Fall 2023 Materials Department Town Hall

The Materials Department, in coordination with the DEI committee, will be hosting a town hall on November 20th, starting at 4pm in Elings 1601. Updates for this town hall include: a department update from the chair; an update from the faculty recruiting/visit weekend committee; reviewing the PRP survey results/subsequent CSEP focus groups; and updates from the DEI committee and MSA. Different from previous town halls, there will be no open Q&A session following the presentation; instead, only questions that were submitted through the google form sent out in previous newsletters will be formally answered during the townhall; however, additional discussion within small groups and snacks will follow afterwards in a more casual setting.
If you’d like to attend the town hall virtually, you can join at this Zoom link:
https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/84007620944 |